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Writer's pictureVic Bernales

The Seriousness of Sin and the Solution of God

Sin is a serious matter. We cannot talk about sin lightly. Sin brings death. Sin destroys trust. It separates love ones and friends. Sin especially offends God. Sin separates creatures, especially man, from God.

Take the sin of adultery, for example. Guilt, shame, frustration, depression, heartaches and, at times, hatred and separation, are some of the unintended effects of adultery and its related sins such as selfishness, deception, dereliction of duty, unfaithfulness to God, and disregard to the vow in marriage.

These sins have destroyed and pained millions of lives and families and many societies. The effects of these sins are not only felt and experienced by the marriage partners themselves but also by their children, including their families, relatives, and friends.

The government or the society cannot prevent the destructive effects of these sins because the problem is deeply rooted in our inner being, in our very nature.

However, there is hope! There is one power that is able to destroy sin and its devastating effects. The only power that can truly arrest and stop the destructive effects of sin in our society is the power of God the Holy Spirit using the gospel. The gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes in the only Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One who came down to the world to redeem sinners like me.

Jesus, the Son of God, selflessly left His glorious place to become the servant of servants in order to seek and to redeem His bride, God's people. He gave Himself up to sanctify her in order to present her to Himself without spot or blemish.

Jesus Christ came to the world to seek them who are lost, to heal them who are brokenhearted, to restore broken relationships, to reconcile man back to God, to transform a sinful selfish person into selfless loving Christian, and to put order back out of chaos in the world.

Our Lord Jesus was condemned of sin He did not commit. And He died a criminal's death He did not deserve. He was buried in a borrowed tomb, came back to life again in three days, ascended back to glory, and is now reigning in power and majesty waiting for the appointed time to return to judge the living and the dead.

At His return He will bring with Him the holy city, the new Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2), ushering in the glorious eternal kingdom of God. This is the ultimate moment, the greatest hope that every child of God is anticipating. Any other solution to the sin-problem in this world, particularly in marriage and family, than this glorious gospel of Christ is a quick fix, artificial, and man-made.


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1 Comment

JeffChavez 1689
JeffChavez 1689
Mar 08, 2023


"However, there is hope! There is one power that is able to destroy sin and its devastating effects. The only power that can truly arrest and stop the destructive effects of sin in our society is the power of God the Holy Spirit using the gospel. The gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes in the only Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One who came down to the world to redeem sinners like me."

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